The Little Prince – a co-production Lightwave Theatre & unteatru

We are pround to announce “The Little Prince”, our latest…
We are pround to announce “The Little Prince”, our latest…
On Sunday, the 7th of May 2017, Lightwave Theatre Company…
Event Architects organised our performance in a brilliant way at…
Hello everybody! We haven’t written any news on our site…
A fost o onoare sa putem urca Iubitafizica pe scena…
Pe 17 septembrie, ora 21:00, vom duce povestea non-verbala din…
Dupa festivalul de la Arad, organizat de teatrul “Ioan Slavici”,…
La un an de la Iubitafizica by Lightwave Theatre de…
Am mai experimentat senzatiile unui spectacol in aer liber la…
Stim ca suna pompos titlul, dar pentru noi fiecare saptamana…