We supported a cool kid in a talent competition, and he WON!

First we heard that Dragos Condescu wants to handle a…
First we heard that Dragos Condescu wants to handle a…
We had the opportunity to support a wonderful child named…
Lightwave Theatre is an independent visual theatre company from Romania…
Thank you for the three green stars!
UPDATE: Watch our performance below Great news! Lightwave Theatre has…
Existam din 2013. Am asteptat si ne-am pregatit pentru participarea din…
Lightwave Theatre exista de un an si jumatate, dar si-a…
A fost prima iesire din Bucuresti pentru Lightwave Theatre Company. Am…
Am aflat, vara trecuta, ca Paula Chirila a studiat papusi-marionete,…
Intotdeauna ne-am simtit ca acasa la PRO TV, printre profesionisti….