
Theatre Plays
Our portfolio includes "Reflection", a non-verbal play with four life-size puppets, "Loverphysics / Iubitafizica", a poetic play with seven life-size puppets, and "It's me, Annabel" the most complex story produced by Lightwave Theatre so far. Check it out
Lightwave Theatre Company can be your element of surprise for your guests, clients and business partners. The visual art with life-size puppets for grown-ups, together with music and the optical illusions that we create, bringing objects to life right in front of you, will take you to a world in which everything is possible. Our artistic moments can be specialy designed to tell your story. Find out
Bookings / Bilete
Come to our shows to learn more about life-size puppetry for grown-ups or book us for your event. InfoAbout

Lightwave Theatre is a Romanian independent visual theatre company specialized in human-size puppet shows for adults. In more then 10 years of activity so far, Lightwave has been selected to step on national and international stages in Great Britain, Croatia, Germany, Turkey, Bulgaria and many other with a portfolio which includes many theatre plays. Regarding public TV appearances, Lightwave Theatre has boldly approached the Romanian public at Romania’s Got Talent in 2015, receiving a Golden Buzzer, and also the German one as finalist at Die Puppenstars talent show. In 2020, they auditioned on America's Got Talent receiving three Yeses out of three from Simon, Sofia and Howie. Heidi was absent due to Covid suspicions.
In 2013, Cristina-Andreea Ion founded Lightwave Theatre and imagined a visual theatre company with shows for the adult public, an unexplored Romanian artistic niche for independent companies. Petru Stratulat, a radio presenter from Bucharest, embraced the idea and together launched the company with one puppet on many TV shows, bringing the art of human-size puppetry for adults in front of millions.
Lightwave Theatre toured Romania and a few European countries performing on stage, and had the courage to appear on many talent shows. One of them, Die Puppenstars, is specialized in puppetry and it’s a great honor for the company to have had the privilege to perform as finalists ranking in top 10 next to incredibly big puppet companies from all over the world.
The company loves to combine different types of artistic expression to deliver its' message in a bold manner.“We are stepping in uncharted territory of the Romanian artistic landscape, carving our own path”
Latest News

Reflection (non-verbal), la Gradina cu Filme

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Iubitafizica, la Festivalul PLAI de la Timisoara

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Reflection, la Vama sub Lumini de Oscar

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Vom juca in aer liber, la Teatrul Mignon de Vara!

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Festivalul International de Teatru Nou de la Arad

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Experienta “Romanii au Talent”

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Iubitafizica by Lightwave Theatre, la Sibiu

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Un 2014 plin de activitate

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Lightwave Theatre, in curand pe o scena langa tine

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