Hello everybody! We haven’t written any news on our site for some time because we took a short break in order to start producing our newest theatre story with life-size puppets. Yeap, that’s right. We will surprise you once again with a more complex production than ever before. We will explore new frontiers in our puppetry experience. Also, we will not forget to add amazing music to our production. This is the reason we brought in our team Brigitta Szebenyi, known for her TV appearances at Megastar and The Voice of Romania.
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During this time of the year, we will bring you a rock video we shot with a great band.
In December 2015, Tisha (Andra Mirescu) joined our team and enriched our experience and strength of Lightwave Theatre Company thanks to her creativity and optimism.
Even though 2016 started slow, we already planned to perform at several festivals in the country and abroad. Next week we will come to Timisoara with Reflection at Casa Tineretului at 7:30 PM, and to Sibiu a week later at “25 ore de teatru non-stop” Festival, where we will perform in a non-conventional place at 11:30 PM. Croatia will be visited by Lightwave Theatre Company in June at Sibenik, in an international theatre festival with “Reflection”.
We have more news, but all in good time. We are eager to show you video and photos from our newest production and we will resume our shows in Bucharest. It will be an interesting 2016.