First time we’be been invited to attend “25 ore de teatru non-stop” Sibiu was last year, in 2015, with the show called “Loverphysics” at Gong Theatre which we revisited with this beautiful occasion. We heard a lot of nice things about it but we didn’t have the chance to visit it.
[maxbutton id=”6″ url=”http://teatruvizual.ro/festivalul-25-ore-de-teatru-non-stop-de-la-sibiu-2016/”]
We were surprised to find out we’ve been selected again at this festival, second time in a row, with Reflection, our most-loved theatre play. The fact that we performed in an industrial warehouse fitted to our technical needs had an wow-effect on the entire performance. Unimat company from Sibiu entered this select club of art lovers and started to support this festival. It gave us the warehouse, with a stopped production for days in order to fit it.
The performance had been scheduled for 11:30pm. We didn’t know if we could sell all the seats, the biggest number of viewers so far. Would so many people come and see us? Over 450 people came and watched our performance and many came to us afterwards with tears in their eyes because of the story we showed them.
It was our 3rd trip to Sibiu: Sibiu Arts Market (2014), Loverphysics (2015) and Reflection (2016). Bogdan Saratean and Co., we are now announcing our intention to come again with our newest production.
The way they organised the festival was just spot on. Perfect atmosphere, beautiful and smiling people. We left Sibiu already longing for it. Thank you.
Here are some photos from our performance: